since ‎07-04-2018

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  • 11 Posts
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Hey there,i have the following problem.. i updated the OVR Framework to version 1.35.0 and created a store-compatible android manifest. We are working with Unity 2018.3.6f1 and building apk for Oculus Go. First issue i came across was, when using the...
Hey there,i'm struggeling to find a good solution to get PostProcessing running on the OculusGo. I've tried using the Unitys own PostProcessing Stack, but it gives me a lot of Errors and is not able to build the apk. I've searched the AssetStore for ...
Hey there,just a two short Questions here. First of, Is it possible to load custom made CubeMaps to the Oculus Environments Folder?And my second Question is. Is it possible to make the OculusGo just load one Application and disable the store stuff? T...
Hey there, i ran into the following Problem. I'm working a simple Scene Transfer script, where i click on an object, an Animation Plays and you'll be transfered to a new Scene. This whole Thing is working fine in the Editor, you click on the door, An...
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