Hello, I'm trying to get to grips with the scene querying functions,
specifically in order to get the known positions of the floor, walls,
desk, sofa and windows. I've set them up in the OS on my Quest 2 and I
can see them renderered when in the home...
In the OVRSceneManager, it has prefabs set to the list of plane and
volume objects it can instantiate (they both seem to have a list of all
Room Setup items, it looks like there is some kind of redundancy). I
just copied the Oculus prefabs and modifi...
I can't post the whole shader, but I think the crucial bit is to make
sure you output a value for the alpha in the fragment shader:return
half4(0, 0, 0, alphaWithShadowStrength); And I have my RenderQueue set
to (Geometry - 1), so 1999. ZWrite On, Cu...
Yes, I've got it to work with URP. What I think was happening in our
case is that the Passthrough Layer was rendered afterwards, and used the
alpha value in the framebuffer for blending. So if your shadows are
rendering and not setting the alpha to >...
Hey. Yeah basically I added Oculus's OVRSceneManager prefab to the
scene, and changed the Plane and Volume prefabs to my own versions.If
you want to check that it's working at all, you can load up the test
Oculus scene (VirtualFurniture) and see if i...