Hey,I'm currently implementing custom hand poses to meta avatars and
have followed the documentation here:
the documentation is incredibly sparse an...
Heya!It seems like the meta avatar sdk package for unity is missing some
assets that make it unusable. Following the official meta project config
documentation and v 29 update guide on a fresh project leads to errors
and a lot of the assets that the ...
We had some luck by using the Unity skinning rig for the avatars. This
exposes the bones of the avatars, which we then saved a copy of and
created an animation rig and avatar from their bone layout and then we
used the asset FinalIK to ik this up and...
We're getting the same native crash as @likeaguest_dev here, Unity
version 2021.3.18f1 users on v51 or v50 both experiencing crashes all of
a sudden today. Trying to find what exactly is causing the issue