So Public Test Channel v54 dropped yesterday, giving users the ability
to turn Sliced Encoding on or off in the OculusDebugTool!Upon being
asked if my Registry Editor workaround entry should be deleted, I told
this to a Redditor on r/QuestPro.I’d wai...
UPDATE: After using standard/default 5 slices and confirming I was
updated to driver 531.41 from 3/23, I still reproduced the white bar
issue after about 5 minutes of playtime. Can confirm, on my end at
least, that driver encoder updates do not fix t...
So, with strangely particular timing, NVIDIA JUST updated their encoder
to allow 5 separate streams instead of 3:
Can anyone who reliably g...
To clarify on this, the Quest Pro uses HEVC over Air Link just like the
Quest 2 does. I checked in the Oculus Debug Tool - Performance Overlay.
Link Cable uses H.264.The main difference in how Quest Pro might operate
when it comes to Air Link in the ...
That’s odd. If you want to reverse this though, it’s really easy. Just
open Registry Editor, locate RemoteHeadset under the same filepath as
the command line fix, and right-click numSlices and simply delete it.