My quest 3s is one month old. About 1.5 weeks in the mic went out. And
no matter what I try it won’t fix it. 2.5 weeks in it developed a
absolute horrid popping like the speaker is busted. The volume is always
half way no higher. Anytime anything mak...
And if you don’t play the game you’d have no idea. So imo no reason to
comment. It’s not cheating if it’s a lobby specially for that. And
besides when I made this post I didnt know why I was banned I assumed
cheats. But it was toxicity and I never sa...
My daughter got a 8 week ban lastnight. A group kept calling her the n
word. She left the lobby for a new one. Got right back into the same
lobby. I asked them to stop saying that word. Where they then called me
a stupid ahh n word. Logged in a hour ...
It’s ridiculous. I found out actual hackers are banning my kids. I’ve
spent thousands between both of them for cosmetics. And thing they keep
banning them and said next will be indefinitely for hacking. My kids are
on stand alone no pc to even get mo...