since ‎12-03-2022

User Statistics

  • 34 Posts
  • 0 Solutions
  • 1 Kudos given
  • 15 Kudos received

User Activity

Hey Meta, Please fix the PCVR quest link wired app. I have literally reset my PC and installed only the oculus app, and gotten awful performance with a 4070 and a 5900x. I update the drivers, install the oculus app, make sure everything is optimised,...
My left controller has always been a lemon and just shuts off randomly, but I've always been able to solve it by leaving the battery out for a bit. This time, it won't connect and I try leaving the battery out. It does the SOS vibration and lights af...
I am at my wits end trying to figure this out. I got a quest 2 for Christmas and I have been playing beat saber nonstop. I beat Burning Sands on expert within 2 days and beat Crystallized with disappearing arrows on E+ about 2 weeks ago. Some days I ...
I had a bright idea earlier:. If I can use my pc to play games on a large screen on my meta quest 2, is it possible to do this with a Nintendo switch in any way? It would be awesome to play Splatoon 3 or Smash Ultimate on a humongous VR screen. I am ...
Hi. I got a meta quest 2 very recently and after en even more recent update, in the home screen I now have arms. I don't know if I accidentally clicked a setting, but I really, really don't like it. Please tell me if there is a way to set the ghost h...
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