After upgrading to Windows 11 the Oculus software says it needs an
update (screen below), I follow all prompts, and it then dies before
fully downloading (saying "check connection")I have tried many of the
ideas in the forums and while I have gotten ...
Meta support was no help at all, I finally got it to work but pulling
the hard drive, installing it in a machine that had Oculus working,
installing Oculus there and launching it, and then putting it back in
the computer that could not download the O...
Cant do that - your previous step had me remove everything Oculus from
the computer and the download fails every time (at a different point) so
there is no Oculus directory, just a temp directory (that doesn't have a
LogGatherer file) with a partial ...
Cant get to the repair option, tried the drivers reload, same
result.Removed all Oculus per your instructions - still hangs on
install.Note I have 2 other installations of Rift on other machines, I
also tried copying everything from one of the ones t...