I preorder from Oculus within hours of the Quest going on sale for
preorder, and it's not expected to ship until tomorrow (5/22). Yet you
can walk into any Best Buy today walk out the door with one. Fool me
once, Oculus...
After installing the update and putting on the headset, I'm in a blank
white grid space with the dash menu in front of me. When I press the
home button on the dash menu, nothing happens. What do you have to do to
get the new home area to show up?
If you fail a mission, do enemies just continually spawn in? I must have
killed 50 pirates in this one room, and they just kept coming. I
eventually gave up and jumped to the next system. I'm not sure if it was
a bug or if you fail a mission there is...
To get rid of some of the clutter from my list of uninstalled apps,
please add an option in the context menu for apps (the 3 dots) that
says: "Hide this app in my library", as well as an option in the library
filter to "Include hidden apps" to reveal...
I mounted my sensors on the ceiling, I put 2 sensors in the 2 front
corners and 1 behind me. My computer is in the front of the room, so the
biggest challenge is cable managment with the cord from the rear sensor.
It had to be really long, which mean...
@reefy86, thanks for the tip, I got my 3rd sensor last night and had the
same issue, and I eventually gave up around 2am. I didn't think to make
sure my 3rd sensor could see the controller, I had it down low to make
sure it worked before mounting it ...
Bwahahaha, @TwoHedWlf, that's too funny, love it Data from the
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey shows that more than 2
out 3 adults in the US are considered to be overweight or obese. And I'm
not disputing that exercise is good for ...