I use Airlink to connect to my PC and then normally I could start a
MSEdge browser and open VR content by clicking on the VR icon (e.g., see
video immersiveweb.dev).Since January this year, this does not work
anymore. I get a screen that says that MS...
Microsoft recommended to see if I could do a System restore to before
January this year. I was also given a link to the official Microsoft VR
document and a couple of links with regards to troubleshooting VR in MS
Edge:RedditReddit2MS communityReddit...
Thanks for your response,I have played Tombraider DLC via AirLink which
worked well.With regards to troubleshouting I have done the
following:Did Windows update, update video drivers, update headset and
update Oculus PC appIn Oculus PC app, logged of...