HI I wanted to change my password in my facebook profile so I went into
settings and went into password and security and I then i clicked on
change password. Then the first time I put in my old password and then
filled in a new password and pushed ne...
HI over several times today when I would type a message to someone in
messanger I kept getting the following eroor message in red color.
Message failed to send 1 minI thought I would try sending a message in
messanger again. And again I got the same ...
HI I would like to ask something. I was wanting to now something. A
little while back I could not get back into my facebook account. So I
had to get a code from security@facebookmail.com. What I want to now
since Iam back into my free facebook profil...
HI I was wondering if I could have some help please a few days ago I had
some hack my facebook acount and someone found my cell phone number and
stole it. And they also got my email address. A couple days my facebook
account was blocked so I un locke...
HI I would like to now something. I now Whatsapp is free and meta is
charging me to use whatsapp. What I want to now since I am not a
business and I am just using a free facebook account is it free to get
codes from whatsapp without paying for it. Th...
HI I also remember when installing what's app on my bluestacks when I
installed the whats app asked for me to pay for whats app for business I
only have a personal facebook free account. What do I do now.
HI is their anyway I can setup whatsapp on my desktop instead of using a
smartphone or android or iphone I do not have any of these phones. Is
Meta going to only make whatsapp available to businesses that are on
facebook. I only have one personal fac...
Another question I would like to ask Meta is that you make the whatsapp
free no charge also because I do not own a credit card or an apple
credit card I am sure that lots of people are in the same situation as I
am they probably do not own a credit c...