Remove all usb 3.* drivers from "universal serial bus controllers" on
"device manager. Windows will reinstall it on restart and your Oculus
Quest 2 will work fine again on usb 3.* I had the same problem and It
only worked fine on USB 2.0, now It's pe...
It's so easy. I solved that problem yesterday, may be any windows update
or something like that. You only have to go to Control Panel, device
administrator, and remove all usb 3.* drivers (not disable, remove).
Don't worry, when you restart Windows i...
It's so easy. I solved that problem yesterday, may be any windows update
or something like that. You only have to go to Control Panel, device
administrator, and remove all usb 3.* drivers (not disable, remove).
Don't worry, when you restart Windows i...
It's so easy. I solved that problem yesterday, may be any windows update
or something like that. You only have to go to Control Panel, device
administrator, and remove all usb 3.* drivers (not disable, remove).
Don't worry, when you restart Windows i...