This started after V67 was installed. I turn on my headset and the Home
Screen appears. A few seconds later my headset reboots, the Home Screen
is then shown again and all is well. I tired opening an app within those
few seconds but the reboot still ...
Seeing the current cash grabs some companies, e.g., Reddit, are trying
now, could this be the start of META trying to force all Quest users to
only buy games/apps directly from META? This is to prepare us for Quest
3 (or 4) which will have no ability...
I did the hard reboot, my home screen appeared, connected to my
wireless, but then the headset automatically rebooted again. Then during
this reboot, the home screen appeared but my wireless connection was
lost and was also missing from the available...
Step by Step How I got Airlink to work again incase it might help anyone
else. .5 Open Oculus app on your phone1. Put Headset on and go into
AirLink2. While still in Airlink remove headset, go to PC, Make sure
Oculus App is open3. In App under Beta t...
Interesting, META re-assigned my Support Ticket to a new individual. I
wonder if they are consolidating all the support tickets for this issue.
Here is what I received.Hi ****, Welcome to Meta Store Support! My name
is Ralph, and I'll fill up on beha...