sadly I had to promote my pro controllers to paperweights since it's way
too much trouble to use them with that bug.but it's nice to see people
trying to figure it out. I own straps for those controllers, and I
remember clearly as my finger got stuck...
I went and activated an update in the settings, it didn't change my
problem much, and now I have alerts about my controllers
overheating....? better and better
This is driving me crazy, by the time I manage to unstuck one of my
hands the second one gets stuck too.And yeah this is all but solved.
What should be my best pair of controllers became my spare pair in case
my regular quest 2 controllers need to be...
Yes, very much what the person above said, let's not hide in PMs, this
needs a GLOBAL fix. it's either software side or every controllers
became defective at the same time all of a sudden.