I got new stuff for my quest 2 yesterday and i was so excited i decided
to clean my headset using clorox wipes and rags i cleaned around my
headset dirty areas and would quickly dry with my rag i did touch the
proximity sensor with my clorox wipe but...
I never got a messege from your specialized team only one lady from the
agent text tried to help me she was very nice but the rest of you all
never replied or got back to me
I never got a messege from your specialized team only one lady from the
agent text tried to help me she was very nice but the rest of you all
never replied or got back to me
I tried everything nothing worked and i cant get a replacement bc my
warranty expired and you guys never replied with your special team im
very upset i have been freaking out and being sad i cant see my friends
and waiting for a email but you guys ne...
My quest 2 crashed and got stuck on boot loop ive tried everything
powering off then back on and the factory reset ive tried leaving it off
charging for 30 min then back on nothing ive tried 30 seconds power
button to restart ive tried everything i m...