Having a weird issue with the new SDK. Just downloaded + installed it in
a fresh unity project. Trying to test it out in the simplest scene
possible using Building Blocks (see image)Followed the Getting Started
setup documentation for sdk, xr plugin ...
Hi,I'm curious if the following is possible:Is it possible to pair a
bluetooth Xbox Controller with the Meta Quest 3 headset?Seems like this
was possible in the past but maybe disabled?In the Meta Quest app on
iPhone I can:locate the headsetgo into H...
I'm having a similar issue. The rays intersect but they're offset from
the visual indicator for the raycast. So if I aim with the right
controller, the ray is on the Q key but intersects/activates the W key.
It's about 50% off so if I'm on the left s...
Nevermind. Found it!You have to go into the headset device itself (put
it on)go to the Settings appgo to Devices sectiongo to Bluetooth
sectionselect Pair button on the leftselect + Pair New Deviceactivate
the bluetooth pairing sequence on your contr...