Samsung had a kill switch implemented in the VR Gear Setup Wizard APK.
When the Installation files are no longer accessible during an online
startup check - the device ceases to work. This has been activated. They
should be sued into oblivion as this...
META knows exactly that their recent update, or removal of the GearVR
infrastructure triggered this behavior on Samsung`s #GearVR Platform. It
is not a lost certificate - there is an update message pending -
triggered from the META server (which can ...
Meta also disabled the GearVR in December 2023. Now all of the games
bought, Videos,... even the headset is no longer working. Once connected
it tries to download a 0.0MB "Update" and fails. I would have NEVER
bought such a device under that conditio...
We should sue them collectively! I have bought games, Controller, even
an S9 for a product I considered my own. Now meta disabled the complete
access. This goes even further - the gearvr is used in 3d cinemas,
expositions, art projects. I paid > 1000...