Hi there,Is there an example UV-map for the hand tracked mesh
somewhere?alternatively, Using Unity, I'm looking for a way to get the
generated mesh from the hand tracking.At runtime the meshrenderer gets
assigned a mesh but there is no way to easily ...
I'm working on Unity 5.5inside OVRCameraRig in the UpdateAnchors
function:Changing the parameters or just bluntly commenting all
positional and rotational code in that function does not make a
difference in rendering. (i can see the cameras in the ID...
xiesi said: TomG said: Look for the file: HandSkeleton.cs, change line
145 to use localPosition// line 145: transform.position =
pose.RootPose.Position.FromFlippedZVector3f();transform.localPosition =
Look for the file: HandSkeleton.cs, change line 145 to use
localPosition// line 145: transform.position =
pose.RootPose.Position.FromFlippedZVector3f();transform.localPosition =
Same issue here.. the moment you move the OVRCameraRig away from 0,0,0
the hands stay at the original location. It's pre-release, but still,
seems like that should not be that hard to fix. I'll have a look
Thanks for the feedback (also on the Tweet i sent) currently when i try
uploading it's now telling me "invalid signature" is this a side effect
of the patching or i something wrong with the APK? yesterday it still
passed the validation but seemed to ...