I previously fixed the error of developer mode on the NFL game by
allowing microphone permissions. After sitting for a week now NONE of
the apps will load. Every app says your parent needs to allow developer
mode! The microphone permission is turned ...
So frustrated paid money for both my boys to get this game and they
can’t play it because it requires developer mode. Since they are 11 and
9 I can’t turn the feature on. The game is rated E! This is one of the
main reasons for buying the device is t...
I’m having the same issue! Both my boys headsets stopped allowing them
to use any apps. This has been the most frustrating gift they have ever
gotten. So disappointed. Did you figure out a fix?
Meta replied on another thread. Go to setting on the headset, search
permissions, go to microphone, enable it for the apps. Relaunched the
app and worked like a charm. Hope that helps