Hi,maybe somebody can help me. I am trying to bring my project up to
SDK4 but so far it has been causing big headaches.Here is my
case:-DirectX11 disabled-only forward rendering-No image effectsWhen I
run the OVR camera, it works (it gives me the 'dr...
Hi everyone,I used a few hours in the evening today to create another
test project for the Rift. This little demo is a medieval Maze.Although
there is no exit yet, it should give you something to explore.
screenshot.jpgI used the newest Oculus SDK ...
Hi everyone,I built a small little Unity project today and thought I
share it with everybody that is interested in trying it out.Don't be too
hard on me, I just had a few hours to work on it
PlanetFlight.jpgUnfortunately it only works with the Xbox ...
"Carandiru" wrote:Right on - see what your saying especially in the
corners.Working on it!ps. There are ingame "hotkeys" or controls, select
the Help --> Controls MenuCtrl+F will show frame statistics.Thanks for
the quick fix! I will try it out again...
Hi,just tried it too with my DK2 and latest SDK 4.1 but no matter what
video i load, something is 'off'. After some experimenting i found out
that it is the screen on one of the eyes. if you close your right eye
and look at the orientation of the scr...
I would buy it BUT one problem that i have is that the screen seems to
be to far up, so i have to look up with my eyes. Is there a way to move
the picture down some pixels basically to lower the virtual screen?
Thanks for the quick feedback!I am still checking into that flickering
texture issue, and I am trying to come up with a 'game plan' to make
this a bit more game-like once I know from a few people that the
framerate is stable.Its nice to hear that the...