I am using Quest 2 with Pro ControllersI have a similar issue to those
experienced by a number of users where the controllers randomly loose
connection and have to be manually re-paired.My most common issue is
that when playing a game requiring fast ...
Thanks, appreciate the feedback. Can I ask if you use any games or apps
requiring fast controller movement i.e. such as boxing, table tennis or
tennis e.g. First Person Tennis, Eleven TT etc? I find controllers work
ok when used normally i.e. watchin...
My headset shows v72 build 5047332.12760.510 installed Dec 20
(yesterday) - =no idea if this includes the update referred to also, the
issue is still there and actually lot worse
This is soo on point - these controllers cost nearly the same as a Q3
headset, and the customer service from Meta is beyond terrible..I will
repeat what I have said on these forums - customers need to make some
noise, like put this on social media, p...
100% agree with this and I have the exact same issue the one thing I
need to try is the wifi channel suggestion made by @TomCgcmfc .totally
to your point, meta have never bothered even acknowledging this issue
forget trying to address this.A suggesti...