my device updated or seemed to 2/17 i played ragnorock and addons all
was fine. got message it would shut off after updatenext day i could not
play add ons even one that was free if bought gamei played over a month
happy as a clam now i hate meta and...
I fixed it myself however the reason i reset. my purchased add ons
stopped being useable. in game says buy store or meta app it says
purchased. ragnorock is most costly one as i bought game and raids.and
to be frank was only game i even like,i...
i needed to factory reset according to the meta store due to purchases
not being accessiblenow headset wont repair even with code sigh...i have
meta 2 it was fine 2/16 then any add on unuseable. to no avail now i
cannot get it to pair says found ente...