When implementing the instant runtime splash screen there is a problem
with how the splash image is processed which causing the image to be
overexposed on the Quest. The first image below is how it should look,
the second is how it appears on the Que...
I just loaded up some footage of our new prototype:The position tracking
data from DK2 is used to control character movement. The game is best
played standing up where you bend your knees and jump to control the
jump of the in-game character (you can...
Now that the jam submissions are complete I thought it would be
interesting to see what tips and tricks everyone has for VR game
design.For me the most important thing was to find ways to reduce motion
sickness. I found that a low framerate was the #...
We are happy to announce that our entry in the Oculus VR Jam “Space
Marine Boot Camp” has been successfully uploaded and is ready for
judging!You can download and play
here:https://share.oculus.com/app/space-marine-boot-campHere's what you
get:Space ...
Sorry, I couldn't find a workaround either, so I ended up disabling
lip-sync. Ideally there would be a checkbox on the avatar system to
allow PUN to also access the microphone.
Thanks BLANK.de, very helpful (you learn something new everyday). I'm
using Affinity Photo (I don't have Photoshop), so to get the correct
gamma adjustment you need to create a 'procedural texture' that looks
like the following:Raise the gamma by a p...
Have you tried using the 'Oculus Developer Hub' app? You should be able
to connect to your Quest via the app. You can enable 'ADB over WiFi' to
rule out any USB cable issues.