*UpdateI finally got refund from my bank today, as they decided that
Meta had charged me 'twice', and despite them rigorously denying this
fact, it was proven that they did so, and were of no help whatsoever
during this farce. Yes, it may only be a s...
Yup, nothing changes. Same old replies, same old 'bull', but you can be
sure, their 'specialist team' are not working on anything, and that it
is of no concern to them
You won't get any help whatsoever, unfortunately. It's the same old
replies, and it's all OK on our end ;), etc.I've now taken the step of
trying to return the Quest 3, as I can no longer trust what I may buy
from store, and I certainly ain't going t...
Listen. Stop with the nonsense. I suggest you get your payment system in
order, instead of saying this is 'alarming', which it is! I've done all
you suggested, and you were of little help, either through here or PM.
You understand nothing. Bog standa...
Yup, they refuse to acknowledge this problem. I'm still fighting it, but
have to wait till a time has passed to raise a dispute with my bank, of
which I'm in the process of doing so.They always say 'no problem at
their end', but clearly there is a 'B...