The charges you're seeing on your credit card might be related to a Meta
subscription or in-app purchase. Here are some steps you can take to
investigate and dispute the charges:Check your Meta account activity:Log
in to your Meta account (Facebook, ...
Based on your description, you've encountered a significant issue with
your Meta Quest+ subscription. You've been charged multiple times, far
exceeding the expected amount for a trial subscription. Despite
providing evidence and escalating the issue,...
It sounds frustrating to be charged without any clear explanation. Here
are some steps you can take to resolve the issue:Check all Meta services
and subscriptions: It’s possible the charges are coming from a
subscription or service linked to your Met...
I'm really sorry to hear about the trouble you’ve had with Meta and your
credit card. It sounds like an incredibly frustrating situation, and
it's unfortunate that neither Meta nor your bank has been able to help
so far. Here are a few steps you can ...