I want ro scan a room and sace it as a mesh to work in a 3d software.
the boundry set up already does the scan, i would realy like to save it
and use it.
So everything look great with my Quest 3 overall. I just have a problem
when i have my Passthrough in the recorded videos, the panels appear
miss align and seam not to be sticked to the position they where in my
view when recorded. It just happens wh...
you asked it already and i said that i have the problem. solve it. of
course i need more assistence if its not SOLVED. I HAVE A POINTER MIDDLE
GAME WHEN CASTING A SCREEN IN A FPS GAME! just do something. not one
solution you guys presented solved my ...
It looks complex. i just want to save the scan to use it another time
and in other softwares like unreal or cinema 4d. Could be .obj or other
format that those softwares run. This looks more a developer tool. One
example of this is i go to see a plac...