I have BP with cube mesh and grab component. It seems that it worked
before but after migrating to Meta fork for UE it cease to work. How can
i implement grab component to a mesh inside BP actor? 2. After building
apk and installing, this cube become...
I can't connect my device, my pc dont recognize connection. Link no
longer working after update. I tried multiple usb's yesterday before
update everything worked fine. But i think theyre updated in the night
(now i have meta horizon os text under log...
Couple days ago i made this topic
i stated about glitch that occur after enabling metaxr. I joyfully found
out that this glitch is resolv...
Hi guys, i am trying to fix this for 2 weeks now. I have a glitch, it
apear on every project after enabling meta xr plugin. it happen to show
on XR API - Oculus OVRPlugin + OpenXR backend (without this i have not
glitch but also i dont have passthrou...
yeah i already stated that i checked different settings, and foveated
was first of them and nothing helps. I just manage to fix flickering but
not rectangles.in my googles i manage to fix it by compiling meta fork
unreal engine, but this version has ...
i have diffrent kind of error
but it also prevents me from working. im stuck