Hi, Since 2 weeks I am unable to use my right controller . It is since
the last controller firmware update . The right controller is stuck in
Bottom Right Corner ( In calibration ) so every app or game that use
joystick are unusable. I tried removing...
Hey Kwesly ,Unfortunately not , I was 2 month without being able to use
my quest 3 before they decided to change my controller after they
bricked it with an update.
No one has any clue? I tried the controller on another meta quest 3
headset and it was stuck in the lower right corner joystick angle .Now ,
I need to send Meta my controller .Hopefully someone has a fix.
After resigning from the PTC test beta solution to fix my issue from
meta employee my issue is still there.Another employee told me to fix it
just factory reset your headset After factory reset and no more PTC
access my issue still persist.