Sprint, Forest, sprint! We've been sprinting to the finishing line. Our
initial development issues have caused huge delays, so we're running at
full speed to catch up. but we've been making progress across the board,
including: - creating and selecti...
Project: "OASIS" (new name in progress) This week was another week of
starts and stops, but we're continuing to move forward regardless,
because it's about the journey and finishing what you've started We're
working through some bugs for our gaze int...
Excited to be moving forwardwith our build for OASIS. After two-plus
weeks of failed build attempts (andfrustration) for the Go, we found
success and were able to run a build. Nowwe’re a go, go, go! Huge THANK
YOU to the Launch Pad team and to Moni G...
This was a rough week. We’vebeen working through two scenes for testing
but have not been able to run. TheGo crashes with every load. We’ve
stripped away assets and simplified ourinitial prototype design to see
if that helps, but still experiencing i...
Lastminute work related projects and travel slowed down our progress
from last week. We also hit a roadblock with getting our first build
onto theGo. After a couple days of troubleshooting, we found out an
issue with 2018Unity. We ended up having to ...