This has been issue for me since November. Rollbacking to the 384 builds
has fixed the issue. What is going on since then? We are in build 391
now and it's still not resolved.I do not use or have f.luxIve disabled
Nvidia ShareI am up to date on all d...
This micro stutter only occurs in the headset in random intervals
seconds apart when turning the head left or right. Occurs at Oculus
Home, ingame, and SteamVr. This hitch is incredibly annoying as it has
impede my experience in VR, limiting my time ...
only two days ago many Vive SteamVR games had both Vive and Oculus
compatibility filter icons with required motion controls; Vanishing
realms, Wizard Waltz, Raw Data, many others. These were labeled
compatible with oculus touch after the launch of to...
The videos or ingame shadows/night/dark that are suppose to be actually
dark, are nothingless than a splotchy blackish dark grey. Being able to
adjust the brightness to actually be dark would benefit. So far any
relation to darkness with the cv1 is a...
Its the compositor frame drops that create that micro stutter. With the
newest nvidia drivers for the 1060 even with AWS disabled and
Supersampling disabled, it has a performance head of 5% - 7% even in
oculus home. So as VR ready as my rig was adver...
cybereality said: The recommended driver for Core 2.0 is Nvidia 388.31.
You should try that first.Oculus latest firmware does not like the 388
drivers series with GTX 1060s. Does not work. Only Nvidia drivers from
October and September work. I'm spea...
Had the same problems. Nvidia GTX 1060 drivers do not like the new
Oculus Firmware. I had to rollback all the way to October to get it to
stop hitching, the only downside is if you rollback your gpu drivers,
you cannot update your oculus to the lates...