Hi everyone!I didn't see a list here, nor on Reddit, about the games and
apps allowing streaming on Facebook so I thought I would start one for
the people wondering. For now, I've tried the following:- Oculus Home:
available- Dreamdeck Demo: not avai...
@Killamasta60 Sur Skybox, tu peux régler la luminosité des
environnements depuis les options, et même la distance par rapport à
l'écran dans le cinéma.Edit: j'avais pas vu la date, il a du y avoir pas
mal de mises à jour depuis !
Someone posted this link
https://www.oculus.com/experiences/quest/section/2335732183153590/ on
the Quest subreddit. Most cross-buy titles are listed there, but some do
not appear like Acron.@VR-OCALA When you check a game like Acron in the
Store, you...
3 - No mention of the GearVR made on stage [5,000 points]4 - Oculus
reveals multi-player game for Quest [5,000 Points]7 - Oculus reveals new
partnership with AAA games studio [5,000 Points]9 - No mention of
Microsoft partnership on Next-Gen console [...