As a regular Reddit user, and as someone that knows a number of other
Oculus users... It is evident that Oculus only send promotional emails
offering store credits and steep discounts to some users, seemingly
based in part, on region. Having raised t...
We have been doing really great on the votes, and have confirmation from
a Minecraft dev that if we blow up the Oculus GO votes, it WILL be
prioritized. Please vote on Minecrafts feedback site
Hi there,@imperativity - If this is the wrong sub forum please feel free
to move it. Currently Oculus Mobile platforms have the ability to start
a stream to Facebook, which is a fantastic thing from a marketing point
of view, both for VR as a platfor...
Hi there,I have a few questions that I hope to get answered. Reset
orientation of the headsetWe have hmd inputs, gear vr controller inputs
and regular controllers. However, we have no universal way (?) to reset
hmd orientation without going into the ...
Hi all,I asked my brother to test my alpha build of my game. It has
platform integration in it, to check entitlements and stream to Facebook
which works well. Here's the problem:-When I launch it(marshmallow), I
can look around the opening menu no pr...
This. This should be mandatory now Oculus have provided the tools to do
so. It is especially important as we see Oculus Support all too often
suggesting a factory reset to fix faults on forums/Reddit.
Hi SteveThanks for the review on Kevs Compulsion. Much appreciated.
As you can see, I'm a bit a noob developer, so unfortunately don't have
any experience implementing multi-player in Unity. So I can't offer much
in the form of tips there. Yeah, I ...
Hi Steve, Apologies for the delay. I've just had a short session in the
game. I'm going to use the rubric Oculus provided to guide my feedback.
This is based on just initial impressions. Usability - I'd give it a B.
A few areas of improvement I'd sug...