Hi every one. I own DK2 which works fine up to firmware 0.8. Then when I
install Oculus setup for 1.3 support, it doesn't use my camera. I tried
to plug it on different USB ports, but it always display me warning
about connectivity to USB2 port (even...
Hi guys. Doorways is continue with next chapter. You can pre-order the
game via
chapters were one of my best experiences with DK1. I don't know if there
will be DK2 support but I rea...
Hi. Good news. So now when we have an option to choose a drive where
apps will be installed, we could get an option to add more installation
directories from various disks. What if I want to have some games
installed in SSD disk, and others in classi...
How do you know which version of oculus application do you have? And if
update from 1.3.0 to 1.3.1 doesn't start automatically, can you forced
application to check and install updates?
Thanks. It helped me resolve "Reset Default view" problem. But I can't
still set up camera. During inicialization process in screen with all
devices detection, there is warning in my camera plug in that it is
plugged into USB 2.0. I have it on USB 3....
And what about headtracking? If it's not working, using NV drivers for
the rift is really annoying when I move head and the whole virtual
screen is moving with me.