Hi,We are about to upload a new version of AppLab App to support IAP,
and here is our problem: 1. The previous version APK for production
channel actually used a wrong App ID2.In order to support IAP, I
switched to the correct App ID, however when I'...
Open app black screen when network is unavalilable. When I package in
debug mode, it can be work right. But I package in release mode,it can
open app when network is unavailable.
Hi, I have sent an email to submissions@oculus.com last week, but no one
reply to me.I want to offer a discount with 2 app. From 2.99$ to
1.99$.App id:22077922525935332158530344228431
Hello,I have tried submitting by 2 computer(mac windows) when I click
the button"submit for review", it said:Post Save ErrorGraphQL server
responded with error 1357006: We're having trouble completing your
request. Please try again.Is there any misop...