Hi,I'm new to VR (and Oculus, so sory if I'm posting in the wrong forum)
and I've bought my new quest today. Now I tried to set it up through the
app. The setup wizard runs fine and I'm able to pair the controllers
etc. After I complete the last step...
Is there still no one who experienced a similar problem and knows how to
fix it?My Quest has now been in that loop for over 2 Days! I've even
tried to use another brand new account but that lead to the same result
as all previpus attempts.I am really...
Update: The updating and setup process has now been running since ~5-8
hours since I last resettet the headset. In that time the update got to
99% almost every time before rebooting the quest and jumping back to
50%. This has happened ~18 times. Afte...