This is a prototype movement system that doesn't use a controller to
move but instead uses the positional tracking. The idea behind this is
to try and find an alternative method of locomotion that is easier on
the vestibular system. Right now it has ...
Adding forests and animals to Ambient Flight but was having a difficult
time checking the Ai from the falcons perspective and thought it would
be fun to drop one of the wild horse prefabs onto an OVRPlayerController
So much fun with the Bonanza them...
When the service starts whatever direction the rift is facing at the
time, will be the direction the OVRCamera will be facing at run
time.Probably not so much of an issue for first person games, but for
cockpit games etc it might be a problem if you ...
Ambient Flight for DK2 is up and ready to download.New improvements
include detail textures, a complete rewrite on the terrain with much
better performance and smoother flight dynamics.Just a warning, this is
an advanced VR experience, so if you get ...
Having captured a few in game videos, i have noticed that when watching
the videos on youtube, it looks really off.This is probably due to the
game being recorded in 1280x800 and in youtube`s 16x9 it adds black
borders to the left and right, screwing...
Hi thereSuper interested in giving this a try for Ambient Flight.I have
tried various other fog/cloud offerings, but unfortunately all of them
are either incorrectly working with VR or the performance requirements
are too high leaving little gpu left...
"PatrickHackett" wrote:Having the user press a key to calibrate their
space is a terrible user experience, not to mention error can
just do this?void Start () {OVRManager.display.RecenterPose(); }
Its because when you run the build it doesnt have the materials loaded
into video memory could have a frame where all materials are
seen so they load into memory.There might be a way to do this with
scripting, but i havnt found a way yet