since ‎03-28-2016

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  • 10 Posts
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My app has failed submission, partly for asking for excessive user permissions.I need to request the RECORD_AUDIO permission as my app uses the Microphone input for voice chat, and voice search.I understand that in Marshmallow this permission was cla...
I noticed that with a GearVR app made in Unity, a "PlayerPrefs" setting value seems to be persistent even after deleting the app data and even after uninstalling the app. It occurs to me that this might be explained if the PlayerPrefs are stored with...
I am trying to port an VR app written a couple of months ago in Unity 5.2 to Unity 5.3, and I'm running into two problems.This app features stereo cube-maps, where the cube-map rendered to the left eye is different from the right eye. This app also p...
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