I looked at ebay completed orders that promised a March 28 ship, and
here we are with preorders being delayed for a week or two. Why do
people fall for those listings and bend over for them anyway?
All the promotional images I am looking at have no wires on the headset.
If there really are no wires, then the $600 might be worth it for the
wireless tech.
Military 8K VR headsets already exist, and Oculus probably has
prototypes of 8K headsets as well. As long as Oculus remains corded,
high resolutions are possible. We won't be seeing 4k or 8k headsets in
awhile though because consumer hardware to supp...
Oculus had nearly 4 years to figure out a strategy and hammer out the
kinks in their supply chain, starting with DK1. They have no excuse for
a botched CV1 release.