Computer App upgraded just fine. For the life of me, I can't get my
Quest 2 headset to 'see' the new update, it is currently on v28. I have
tried restarting it 4-5 times. Completely power it off, power back on -
going to settings and 'check for new u...
Unless this has already been posted here? I can't seem to find it -
anyway - this was posted today, and I can confirm makes a night and day
difference in quality with the Rift/Games. Anyone that has a Rift, needs
to do this like... now.
What would the best graphical game be for Oculus Rift at the moment?I
own Lucky's Tale (came with my Rift) and Eve: Valkyrie. I think both are
great, just curious if the Rift has a 'Crysis' benchmark of a game?For
example, is Elite Dangerious graphic...
I have spent about 1 day trying to fix this... the second I plug in the
oculus rift, windows 10 crashes, and the only solution to to wipe/fresh
win 10 install. It USED to work - what do I do here ?
Yes and no. If the developer allows 'cross buy' - then yes. Some of the
popular games you will have to buy twice though... Beat Saber and
Superhot VR for example. The developers reasoning is that they had to
re-build the game for the quest 2 and it t...
Side note here - I have 2 GTX 1080's - recently got the Rift +touch -
last time I tried Rift there was no SLI support. That said, I fired up
Eve Valkyrie, turned on GPU monitor - and whadda ya know, it is running
in SLI - both cars being used.not eve...
I have already posted on this several times - but if you want a night
and day difference, use this tool now... seriously... it makes
everything in-game (not menu) look 20x better
Be sure to follow the steps here to drastically improve the graphics -
Hey - so, this makes a NIGHT AND DAY difference, follow instructions
here - graphics are MUCH MUCH better/clearer