Wow, I got my touch controllers a few weeks back, but I just got around
to downloading Bullet Train. Amazing! I am thinking that when the full
game Robo Recall comes out, that just might be VR's killer game app. If
any of you haven't downloaded it ye...
I personally think that Earth Day should be celebrated by everyone and
every company, but anyways, I got a Nest for Earth Day, they were giving
some pretty good rebates off of my electric bill for doing it. Good
Mr.Creepy said: I just found out that you can seach it on OH, and it has
a page where you can set it to notify you when it's released.Been
looking forward to this one, went ahead and setup to be notified when it
releases today ( thanks for the info! ...
Just got it setup, pretty cool, started calling random people in the
friends list, worked pretty well. Question for anyone who knows, when I
first logged on it said something about games, but I never clicked on
it. After I logged out and logged back ...
At least you got me to watch the trailer with this post. One positive
thing I see is that this game kinda reminds me of Chronos, in that is
appears to have a similar pov, and it looks like a puzzle/rpg.
Unfortunately though, after watching the traile...