Can someone with a flawless headset please post a screenshot of the test
picture from voidxnos
very important to me, because I got three replacemen...
Now I got my fourth Rift.My first one had black level problems on one
eye. The other eye was ok. All three replacements had the problem on
both eyes.This guy had the same problems with one eye:
dmdcsm said: Nope, mine has had several problems. Mostly revolving
around the HDMI. Do you have HDMI disconnects?I figured out, that this
can be caused by a power loss on the USB bus.I got these discos while
plugging in my X55 Hotas. After using the ...
I am done with this generation of VR. Oculus first said that's a black
level error an sent me one replacement unit after another without
working on the problem.Then they said they won't sent me another unit
but i can have my money back. Ok, fine, but...
The blacks are not the problem. The problem is the darkest grey. It
makes a jump wich results bad visuals in dark environments. In the test
picture you should not be able to see the inner bars next to black bar
in the center. In voidxnos thread you c...
ravelution5 said: I'm in the same situation. I have had two replacements
of unity and this is my third unit and still have the horrible dark
scenes. 16-bit color appearI am afraid that many of the other with
"flawless" Rifts have the same error but o...