I know that technically we're done, and we don't have to keep posting,
but I find myself missing my near-daily visits to the forum to review
peoples' posts. The Facebook page helps, but it's not the same as the
fuel I get from all of your accomplishm...
As we walk across the finish line at 11:24 PDT (after a frightful moment
where we had to refill the typeform application--thank goodness for
saving that info in a separate document) I feel so accomplished,
hopeful, and very, very tired. Haha! I thoug...
Hello again,In the past few days we've made some huge strides (Hooray
for working builds pushed to the headset!) but we've also hit a few
serious snags. We lost about 50% of the work on our environment when we
had a transfer failure. Even after runni...
Hello fellow Launch Pad friends,Here were are, one week away from the
application due date, and I'm reporting in from my game jam, running
today and tomorrow. The plan was to jam last week as well, but we had
some bad medical news in the family, and ...
Hello my fellow Launch Pad participants. I just wanted to give a quick
update on our progress here at Story Tonic. We've finalized character
designs, and the scope of our demo. We've also decided that we're going
to have a VR-Jam (like a game jam) fo...
@akababa do you mind telling me where you found that transporter? I have
gaze and tap based movement working, but I like the idea of
transportation spots better, and it actually maps better to the
narrative we've developed. Is it in the Unity Standar...
Thanks @Aquma4Livez and @SBarrick, we had an unexpected medical
emergency in the family that nixed the Jam this past weekend, but we're
working right now, and will be every night, with another Jam window
coming this weekend. I'm also finally going to...