Having the below problem with multiple games using my Official link
cable, everything is OK with the headset when I am disconnected from the
link cable. This is not my photo below, but I am experiencing the same
thing. From top of toes down. Anyone e...
So I noticed this season they are discounting the Pack prices if you
already own some of the titles, which is great. But prices fluctuating ?
The purple pack was $68.99 for me yesterday and now it is $71.99 ? Is
this like the stock market, should I w...
I played elite a few months back and was really enjoying it, with the
holidays I got side tracked. Long story short I fired it up again and
the Map is really frustrating, was hoping to get some ideas how others
are handling it in VR, maybe I'm just n...
Just started getting into Elite, and noticed I have been kicked out
during gameplay and the HMD goes black, on screen is still good and
allows me to save and exit, just a game stopper to be into elite and
that's it game over, until I restart. anyone ...
So long story short, I have had the rift for a month or so, but my PC
had some issues with drivers/windows10 etc. So I wiped everything
reinstalled and have just kept windows 7 (SP1 all updated installed). I
keep getting an error and says oculus won'...
falken76 said: The game looks cool to me. But I'm prone to motion
sickness. Adrift made me feel sick in less than a few minutes and I
NEVER loaded it back up again. Is Lone Echo going to be like this for
me? Do they have this game on steam? I'd prefe...
last evening I kept getting a pop-up while playing Elite that there was
a problem with my sensors, it didn't seem to bother anything just a ding
and when I took off the headset I would see the warning .