since ‎04-05-2016

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  • 22 Posts
  • 2 Solutions
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Hey everyoneI'm running into this issue that I haven't been able to resolve. Whenever I try to use my Rift (whether it's through unity's game launch or an exe or any game in Oculus Home pr SteamVR) the display is black in the Rift/Game window. A noti...
Hey everyoneI ran into a wall here. I have my game finished and ready to publish (approved fine in Steam), but I'm trying to get it into Oculus Store, which means adding this entitlement check. The game was created in Unity 5.5 and I've imported Ocul...
HeySo I've been trying to implement a simple spawn and/or grab script. The issue I'm having seems to be that the objects grabbed aren't moving with the avatar hands. 1, Is there a special way needed to used FixedJoints? After I instantiate or move th...
I've followed the https://developer3.oculus.com/documentation/avatarsdk/latest/concepts/avatars-gsg-unity/ tutorial and have the LocalAvatar Prefab, OVRCameraRig in my scene. I've copied my App Id from dashboard into the Oculus Avatars Edit Config as...
Has anyone had success with trying to duplicate sounds on both the rift and tv/monitor? I tried setting up VoiceMeter Banana. It seems to work when I just open up youtube, but when I launched anything from the Oculus library, the sound just comes thr...
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