Hello, I'm the developer of Home Detective, out on the Quest Store.I
recently made an app update, it seemed to go through smoothly, but a
couple of days later I got an email saying I had a VRC failure -
VRC.Quest.Functional.4, "must not lose the user...
Hello,I just updated to SDK v62, and after a little bit of confusion on
where to get the samples (find them in the 'Samples' tab, for each
package in the Package Manager window - it then adds them to Assets/,
not Packages/), it seems that I can't get...
Hello,I'm developing my App Lab game with Unity, and am rather concerned
about Unity's proposed changes, especially as my app is free to download
with IAPs. It means I have quite a high install volume, and relatively
low ARPU. In the worst case, my a...
Hello,I've been trying to get Mixed Reality Capture working for my app
today, and eventually had success - but only with an old build, before I
upgraded to Unity 2022, and crucially, before I set the Target Android
SDK any higher than 29.If you build...
Hi,My App Lab game (Home Detective) has been out for about a month and a
half, and I've had one IAP enabled and running fine since then (the
second level with SKU: LEVEL2).Two weeks ago I added a third level, and
an associated IAP for that (with SKU:...
Sent you a pm. Not sure why any scaling is going on, it could be
worth combing through all the GameObjects in your rig and making sure a
scalefactor hasn't crept in there.
I've been through this set of problems as well! I actually wanted the
identical behaviour of the old Controller-Driven hands (pressing the
grip closes the fist entirely - so things can be grabbed more easily).In
the end I updated to v71 of the Meta S...
Just fyi, I'm still experiencing the same problem in v67. I would like
to update my app with the latest SDK, but I can't debug it if I can't
see the controller driven hands.Digging into the bug a little deeper it
looks like the hand data it gets when...
I tried making a build on a punt and then the hands do actually show up,
so the problem (for me at least) does seem to be limited to in-editor
and using Quest Link (but that's still quite a problem).In your case,
can you start with the TouchGrabExamp...