Heroic Explorer
since ‎07-22-2016

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  • 215 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
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In 2012, I was on the first Oculus and excited for gaming's future.Then Facebook bought them out. Then they bought out all competition. Then they stopped making games.If I was twelve, I'd love the reskinned lollypop crush game of the month. I'm not 1...
I recently picked up my Quest 2 after being away for a while and connected up through air link just as I have in the past.It connects up as usual nice and clear but a minute or so later it gets jittery and progresses to what I would cal warp freeze. ...
Just wondering if any human has gotten it lol.
I've seen a couple others on Reddit reporting this behavior as well.I have sent a log to Facebook.The library works fine when going through the desktop version of the app.