Death In Candlewood is an open-world psychological FPS heavily
influenced by the gothic fiction of Edgar Allan Poe and classic horror
films. A love story between the living and the dead, the game plunges
its player into the darkest corners of 1940s A...
Quote from Letter from the Chairman: $41 Million"Like many of you, I was
genuinely surprised to hear the news that Oculus had been acquired by
Facebook. There has been a lot written this past week about the
acquisition and some notable people have co...
Space Engine is a free space simulation software that lets you explore
the universe in three dimensions, starting from planet Earth to the most
distant galaxies. Areas of the known universe are represented using
actual astronomical data, while region...
"ianbruce" wrote:Sending packages to individual customers in Russia has
become all but impossible...It's been
"mstdesigns" wrote:Since the facebook acquisition I have stopped
thinking about 1440p and 4K, but the possibility of going apple style
with a resolution of something like 3000x1500 pixels, 3200x1600 etc.
They could also do 2 1600x1600 screens, as tha...
Nothing interesting. It's just Rift clone, in the best case. And attempt
to attract attention on the wave of bad reaction from the
Oculus/Facebook deal. :? I think they're unable to offer the better (or
even same) VR experience with this.