If I drop in LocalAvatar, I see the hands and controller avatars fine
and they follow the hand movement. I can also get the rotation and
position of the controllers with code no problem.However, if I drop a
gun model as a child of rightHandAnchor or ...
Looking for Beta TestersNew enemies and weapons, dialing in the
mechanics. Looking for beta testers with a
feedback is welcome!!Most of the core coding is getting there, now will
be b...
Looking for Beta Testers!!!Had to jump through some hurdles to get audio
recorded from the Go. Other challenges have included getting the hand
controller working properly, dialing in new enemies and weapons and
balancing. The UI is mostly set and now...
Hello I have a "Player" which travels around a track, and a camera
that is parented to that. My shooting mechanism traces a ray from the
camera center in the direction the camera is looking. It works great if
you want to use the camera direction to ...
Worked out a great process for getting really clean line renders - will
post to the blog soon. What do you think, more, less detail? More
curves? We are going for a Battle Zone meets Tron
Luciferous said: Loving the tron look.Thank you! That is definitely part
of the inspiration - new levels will push more into the real of
cyberspace and the data sphere.
Failrunner said: No plugging in headphones does nothing. You have to
record audio seperately on a pc and sync it up with an editor or stream
it to facebook with the mic off and deal with the low resolution video.
I have a 1/8" to1/8" cable - but the ...