Since this is more of a Steam problem, I have posted on the Steam
forums, but I figured I should ask the question here as well.So I have
an Oculus (Consumer version) that I use through SteamVR.A few days ago I
updated its runtime (ALPHA version, then...
It's only been a few weeks and I haven't even used my headset that
much.Recently I noticed a small purple line in the right eye, right
where my nose would be. there doesn't seem to be anything on the lens
and it's definitely not a software thing, it ...
Simple question.Am I allowed to make a public video showcasing the touch
controllers?Potentially posting it here in private and get approval
before making it public?Cheers,
Hey,I have recently got my Oculus + controllers, hooked them up,
everything works nicely.I can play Oculus app games with the controller
and remote, and I can even play Vive games on Steam with the Touch
controls.All is good, except, in certain games...
Hey,I have seen articles about SteamVR recently supporting Oculus Touch
controllers.And yet, I can't seem to pair them in any way.This is what I
see right now (I have both sensors plugged in and the touch controllers
work in the tuscany demo)And when...
wolfbrother9393 said: I have this same problem. I thought maybe it was
my HDMI repeater overheating or something, but I suppose it could also
be a software problem. I have this happening the most in Job
Simulator.The headset itself gets a bit warm, a...
Ibeechu said: I do have them working. Trying to remember exactly what I
did since I had some trouble, too.Pretty sure the big thing was to make
sure I had opted into the SteamVR BetaObviously that's in addition to
the steps from my previous postI wil...
Ibeechu said: Also, be sure you're enrolled in Steam Beta updates under
Steam -> Settings -> AccountEDIT nvm lolHeh, yeah I'm curious if
anybody got them working already. I saw only one youtube video of
somebody using them with Steam VR.