After factory resetting my PC, I now have terrible tracking in my Oculus
CV1 VR. The tracking is very jittery, my hands will going flying into
the air and my head will teleport around the scene. This happened
directly after factory resetting windows,...
About 3 months ago, I purchased a used Oculus Rift on Ebay. I've been
using it all the time since then and it's a bunch of fun. About a month
ago I started noticing that my headset would disconnect and my screen
went black. At first it was very sprea...
I'm very new to VR and just recently got my Oculus Rift so I'm sorry if
this is a stupid question and a waste of time. I've been trying to play
the game VRChat, the fps varies on what world you are in and the avatars
around you. In most worlds I can ...