Hi Oculus devs. Medium is awesome with the new export options. There are
two things that would make it perfect:the ability to preview the
decimation and tweak the poly count before exportinga sharpness setting
(or something similar) to stop the expor...
Tethered allows the player to scale the world up and down. When scaled
down the strength of the stereoscopic effect and feeling of looking a
tiny model seems to be enhanced beyond what I've been able to achieve by
setting world to meters scale.A coup...
I was just in the middle of debugging an issue and suddenly found that
UE4 isn't going into VR when playing from the editor.This is on UE4
4.14.1, Oculus App Version've created an empty VR
template project and that's having the same i...
I'm still a little confused as to exactly what goes on behind the scenes
when I increase resolution. As the bounding box reduces it seems to just
be the same as scaling up the existing model.Is there any practical
difference between modelling small a...
@dtrjones, thanks so much for replying but kpjack was right, I was
talking about modelling resolution. I should have worded my question
better.@bhsharp - awesome that's exactly what I wanted to know.
The pinch needs smoothed after and the crease is a two step
process...And if I'm not careful with that smooth I lose the edge I was
trying to create in the first place :smile: